Craniosacral Therapy: What To Expect During A Session

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you are always getting the same types of jobs and just can't move forward? How much have you worked on your human capital? Human capital refers to the skills and knowledge you have that can be beneficial to a business or organization. These skills do not come from nowhere. Those who have those skills worked on them and were able to make it to where they are today. In an increasingly competitive world where so many old jobs are being automated, the growth in human capital is something you should never stop striving for. My name is Everett Wheeler and I hope my blog will help you improve your human capital.

Craniosacral Therapy: What To Expect During A Session

Craniosacral Therapy: What To Expect During A Session

9 March 2023
, Blog

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is an alternative therapy that aims to improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in the body. This is achieved through gentle manipulation of the bones of the skull and spine. CST treats various conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, TMJ disorder, anxiety, depression, and more.

To help you decide if CST is suitable for you, here is what to expect during a craniosacral therapy session.

Before the Session

Before your first CST session, your practitioner will ask about your medical history, lifestyle habits, and health concerns. This is important to ensure that the treatment is safe and effective for you. It is also an opportunity to ask any questions about the treatment.

During the Session

A typical CST session lasts about an hour. The session starts with you lying on a massage table fully clothed and the practitioner gently touching various parts of your body to assess the areas of tension or restriction. This is done to identify where the flow of CSF may be compromised.

The practitioner will then use gentle pressure and manipulation techniques to release any blockages or restrictions in the flow of CSF. The touch is light and non-invasive; you should feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the session.

One of the primary areas of focus during a CST session is the skull. The practitioner will use their hands to gently manipulate the bones of the skull to improve the alignment and mobility of the bones. This can positively affect the flow of CSF throughout the body.

It is common for people to experience a deep sense of relaxation during a CST session. This is because the therapy stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to promote relaxation and calm.

After the Session

After the craniosacral therapy session, you may feel a sense of lightness and relaxation. Some people also report feeling more energized and alert. Drinking plenty of water after the session is essential to help flush out any toxins that may have been released during the treatment.

You may also experience mild side effects like headaches, dizziness, or fatigue. These side effects are usually short-lived and sign that your body responds to the therapy. You should contact your practitioner if you experience severe or persistent side effects.

In conclusion, if you are interested in trying craniosacral therapy, it is vital to find a qualified practitioner who is trained in the treatment. With the right practitioner, you can experience the many benefits of this gentle and effective form of therapy.

About Me
Improve Your Human Capital

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you are always getting the same types of jobs and just can't move forward? How much have you worked on your human capital? Human capital refers to the skills and knowledge you have that can be beneficial to a business or organization. These skills do not come from nowhere. Those who have those skills worked on them and were able to make it to where they are today. In an increasingly competitive world where so many old jobs are being automated, the growth in human capital is something you should never stop striving for. My name is Everett Wheeler and I hope my blog will help you improve your human capital.
